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The Artistry Of A Dog [Kindle Edition]
Dan Lieberman (Author)

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Product Details
File Size: 2065 KB
Print Length: 60 Kindle Pages (estimated), 28 images
Publisher: Altinst Books, May 2012

Purchase at Amazon Kindle Books
Price: $1.99


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - The Dog

The dog successfully bridged the divide between the wild and the tame, between jungle life and civilized life, between unkind and mankind. Anyone would gape if he/she saw a goat blithely walking the streets, but the dog ambles along unnoticed in the streets of Athens, Greece, as if only as a non-voting citizen. Lack of notice is a loss. Noticing and understanding canine behavior is a clue to understanding a slice of life.

With intent to revealing the clues to understanding canine behavior and its inherent factors, the book describes the life of a male Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog. As most dogs, the Corgi combines many of the attributes that define the artistry of a dog. His story is similar to that of many canines, expressed with unique qualities that each dog has, but with those that define a particular dog. It is the story of the canine world, which has captivated human beings in all parts of the globe.